monos viajeros




Private Coaching

let's work together

Are you interested in meeting 1:1 with me? Awesome! Here you'll find details on ways we could create magic together. 

If I asked you, "What is the main thing keeping you from going to all the places you're dreaming of right now?"

Hands down you'll probably say "my kids". Maybe something along the lines of..."I just don't know how to do it with kids", or "Is it even possible now that I'm a mama?"

Let's start with the most important part. Yes! It is possible, if you believe it is. As for the rest, well, that's why I'm here love.

Mama, what if you could go from...

Not traveling to TRAVELING?
Or traveling once every few years to TRAVELING MULTIPLE TIMES A YEAR?

You're in the right place.

I'm Ana, your new travel mama coach!

I travel with my kids since my daughter was 3 months old, almost 4 years ago! Together we've had some crazy adventures like sleeping in a tent in the Merzouga Desert, snorkeling at The Galápagos Islands, and traveling for 10 months straight!

more about me

hey there!

"Traveling with kids will bring us the most joy, when we learn that avoiding discomfort isn't the answer."

feels scary as hell?

overwhelms the life out of you?

Is traveling                    something that fires up your soul but...

Is traveling          something that fires up your soul but...

is doable IF you have the right guidance?

with kids

Then mama, you and I are gonna be 

Then mama, you and I are gonna be 


On bringing out the warriors and the

that knew how to handle anything that came at them, while traveling with kids. 

On bringing out the warriors and the
that knew how to handle anything that came at them, while traveling with kids. 

As a Travel Coach, I started impacting lives when instead of showing women, "How to avoid kids from crying on a plane", or "Which family travel gear to get", I focused on THEM.

travel queens,

You're doing it mama! You've made the decision.
You'll be traveling with your kids and now it's just a matter of getting all the help you can get ;)
Well fantastic! You're in the right place.

During our time together we can go over things like:
- First time family travel
- Flying with kids
- Family friendly itineraries
- Dealing with family travel fears and anxieties
- Long term family travel
- Increasing family travel in your life
- Planning your own family trips

Single Sessions starting at $129 

COaching packages below

travel coaching

For the mama ready to conquer  the world





Your ideal starting point, my soon to be travel mama. During this 4-session package we'll discover your unique family travel goals, we'll dissect fears and build up your confidence in traveling with small kids. 

By the end of our time together, you'll know how to plan a successful family trip, including choosing destinations, packing and handling family travel logistics (like a boss).



Let's spark that wanderlust together! Those travel dreams that you've always had, that maybe seem too distant right now, are still there, mama. 

We're gonna awaken them, re-connect with them, add some fire and create a strategy to bring them closer to you.

If you've felt disconnected from travel since having kids, this type of coaching is for you. 

$247 - 2 sessions

$450 - 4 sessions

What if you could add more travel into your life? What if it was more possible than you thought? During this 4-session package we'll dive deep into your current travel habits, and dial it up on your travel frequency.

By the end of this, you'll have your custom travel plan, a travel calendar, and your own roadmap to help you maximize travel opportunities that fit your budget -and add more family adventures to your life ;)

$450 - 4 sessions

Since every family is unique and every family travel experience is different, I created this coaching option with plenty of flexibility.

A la Carte Coaching packages include:

single session - $129

3 sessions - $370

6 sessions - $750

* All sessions are 60 min video-calls and include an after-session email with notes + next steps.





Inquire about any coaching package right here


I wanted to tell you THANKS! You were part of the motivation for us to get out of our comfort zone in Florida and move for a year to my beautiful Colombia to travel around the country, and give my boys the opportunity to meet their roots.

The nomad life is not a dream anymore, it's a reality!

"Ana has such a beautiful and motivating energy and it was a pure pleasure working with her." 

denise - travel compass

"She is super knowledgeable and it was very helpful to have someone to brainstorm ideas with and get amazing input and feedback. She challenged me to think bigger and dive deeper into my why and the meaning of what I put out there."



One of the biggest things that allowed for more freedom to travel in my life, was hands down building my own online business. In the 5+ years of growing Monos Viajeros, I've learned tons about building a personal brand with strategy, magnetism, great content and a lot of SOUL. 

Yes, I guess you could learn on your own about we speed up the process? 

Things we could do together:
- Creating your online personal brand from scratch.
- Content strategy and coaching.
- Defining your niche, audience and offers.
- Email Marketing & Lead Magnets.
- Growing your personal brand through Media & Partnerships.
- Diversifying your online income streams (UGC, content creation, affiliate, coaching, etc)

Single Session: $199 - packages available

magical woman mentorship


Are you feeling disconnected from your life's purpose? Do you even know what your purpose is?
Maybe it's been a while since you've been excited about your day, or maybe you feel like your routine has taken over the magic and somehow, you never seem to get closer to your dreams.

Through this magical woman mentorship we're doing the inner work, the discovery, the exploration, the self-love rituals. We're merging the dreaming with the action, the energy with the planning, and the believing  with the doing.  Your transformation begins now.

Single Session: $129 - packages available

How long is each coaching call?

Each coaching call will run for 60 minutes. We'll plan them in advance so you'll know exactly what we'll cover for every session.

Can I book just one session?

Absolutely! Single sessions are a great option if you'd like to get comfortable with the coaching experience. They're also a fantastic starting point if you have never traveled with kids, or invested in a coach before.

What is a travel coach?

A Travel Coach is a travel expert that offers tools & resources, and guides you in your  unique travel journey. Instead of providing the answers for you, a coach facilitates the way so you can find your own answers, and motivates you to take action.

Will you plan my trip?

Although I won't plan trips for you, I can give you tools so you can learn how to plan your own unique family trips.

Will I need to hire a travel agency?

It depends on the type of coaching you'd like to have. If I'm helping you reconnect with travel as a new mom, you can still choose to work with a travel agency after our work together.

Will you provide coaching during my trip?

Coaching sessions during trips are available and can be booked as single sessions, or multi-session packages

Do I need to have an online business to book personal brand coaching? 

Not at all! In fact, we can actually build your online business from scratch. The only thing you'll need is the desire to explore, look within and say yes to your dreams.

Do you have payment plans available?

Since all of my coaching packages are 6 sessions or less, I currently don't have payment plans available. 

What if I need to reschedule a session?

No problem at all! Feel free to email me at at least 24hrs before our session to reschedule. 

Frequently asked questions

your biggest adventure yet?

What if this was...

even more possible than you think?

What if this was...

the sign you've been waiting for?

What if this was...

The only person that can take that first step is you. Nothing changes unless you change. I'm here to guide you and celebrate you ALL THE WAY. You ready?

let's go mama!

get started here

Do you feel it?

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